Here is the Y Combinator in clojure:
(defn Y [r]
((fn [f] (f f))
(fn [f]
(r (fn [x] ((f f) x))))))
This article does a pretty good job explaining how to apply it, but didn't really explain how the Y Combinator works. What I wanted was the Y Combinator in a familiar form where I could step through the code and see what was going on. Since java is the environment that is easiest for me to step through code, I looked around until I came across this article that does a good job explaining the Y Combinator, and provides source code in both lisp and java.
When you perform a direct translation of functional code into java, you get a mess of anonymous inner classes that isn't particularly easy to reason about. So after pasting into into my IDE, I tried to remove all unnecessary anonymous inner classes while still preserving the essence of what the Y Combinator solves: how to implement recursion without making a direct recursive call. I ended up with a lot more code of course, but java's verbosity shines when trying to understand this dense concept.
* Demonstrates the principles of the Y-Combinator in java.
public class YComboDemo {
* Let's start with a simple function implemented
* recursively: factorial
static int factorial(int n) {
return n == 0 ? 1 : n * factorial(n - 1);
* conceptually, factorial implements an interface
* that takes an integer and returns an integer
interface IntFunc {int apply(int n);}
* Here it is again in terms of a class implementing
* this interface:
static class SimpleFactorial implements IntFunc {
public int apply(int n) {
return n == 0 ? 1 : n * apply(n - 1);
* Suppose java didn't support recursive calls.
* How can we accomplish the same thing? Let's
* start by abstracting away the recursive call by
* delegating to some other function.
* This won't work unless we find a way to get
* that function to call back into us...
static class DelegatingFactorial implements IntFunc {
private final IntFunc f;
public DelegatingFactorial(IntFunc f) {
this.f = f;
public int apply(int n) {
// we can't call apply directly, so delegate
return n == 0 ? 1 : n * f.apply(n - 1);
* Let's start by defining something that can generate
* a function in terms of some other.
interface IntFuncToIntFunc {IntFunc apply(IntFunc f);}
* And then implement it for factorial. This will generate
* a function that delegates to the passed in argument.
* But we still need to pass in the right argument to make
* the "recursion" work...
static class FactGen implements IntFuncToIntFunc {
public IntFunc apply(IntFunc f) {
return new DelegatingFactorial(f);
* That's where the Y-combinator comes in. It finds the
* fixed point of any {@link IntFuncToIntFunc}. That is,
* it finds the function for which calling
* {@link IntFuncToIntFunc} one more time will yield the
* same function.
* This is all just a fancy way of saying that it contains
* the plumbing to make sure the original function that
* needs to get calls back into itself will get them.
* This implements recursion for any
* {@link IntFuncToIntFunc} that generates
* a function that calls back to the passed in function.
static class YCombinator implements IntFunc {
private final IntFuncToIntFunc mIntFuncToIntFunc;
public YCombinator(IntFuncToIntFunc intFuncToIntFunc) {
mIntFuncToIntFunc = intFuncToIntFunc;
* The fixed point works by kicking of the first call to
* generate the int function. We pass in ourselves as
* the argument so it will call back to our
* {@link #apply(int)} as necessary.
public IntFunc fixedPoint() {
return mIntFuncToIntFunc.apply(this);
* If the function calls back into us, we generate
* another function that calls back into us again.
* This will keep happening until it knows the
* answer itself (its base case).
public int apply(int n) {
// setup another function with ourselves as
// the callback again
final IntFunc func = mIntFuncToIntFunc.apply(this);
// then just apply it
return func.apply(n);
public static void main(String args[]) {
final IntFuncToIntFunc factGen = new FactGen();
// if we apply the ycombinator to factgen, we have
// a working implementation of factorial
final IntFunc factorial = new YCombinator(factGen).fixedPoint();
So the Y Combinator works by serving as a trampoline for a generated function to bounce off back into itself after another function has been generated.